Transforming Inner Nature
2018 | 30’ x 15’ x 2’ | Fiberglass, Wood, Glass, Sound, LED, Interactive Tech
Transforming Inner Nature uses the Daoist Five Elements Theory, Life-Destiny and Qi energy concepts as its inspiration. This sample shows kinetic and interactive work experience- Spin the wooden mandala to select an organ, then put on the headphones and open a door to begin.
Each door on the body represents an internal organ that corresponds to an emotional-Qi energy state, element, musical key and color: Lungs (Metal, D, White, Grief/Praise) Heart (Fire, C, Red, Love/Hate), Liver (Wood, E, Green, Anger/Kindness), Kidneys (Water, A, Black, Fear/Courage), Spleen (Earth, C, Yellow, Anxiety/Peace). Featuring the work of creative technologist Ido Kleinman.